Service @ Shri Matha Charitable Trust Oldage Home

It has been more than 6 months not participated in GVD (Global Volunteer Day - A charity initiative by ORACLE) projects due to office and personal things and felt I have been off tracked with volunteer activity. So registered for the GVD event hosted by Rakesh to spend half day in old age home and provide our service to them. Also registered few others as well.

Due to weekend IT Milan acitivity, I have reached late to the Shri Matha Charitable Trust Oldage Home. But after attending the program and interacting with them, I was really gained my energy back again and motivated to provide the time to social service. Few important things we did

  1. Rakesh had explained about core essence of the project, how we have to contribute to the old age home.
  2. How to talk to the members there. What are the things which we can do to make them happy.
  3. We had exchange our ideas how can we contribute better to Shri Matha Charitable Trust.
    • Circulate the details to our friends list
    • Reach many other people with social media
    • Help them out to setup internet connection and teach them to reach out interested people via email
  4. *** All had given donations instantly to them which can buy a water filter for them. *** It has been quick and great response from volunteers which is really great.
  5. Had conversation with all the members in the vridhashrama.
Overall it was really good and inspired us to give our time to social service. I liked the tag line used in the Oldage Care. It is Manav Seva - Madhav Seva. This is the mantra which every one should follow and do selfless service.

Thank you to Rakesh for giving the opportunity as well as volunteers providing their weekend time and came for this service. 

Contact Details :

Mohan Kumar B.N

Address :

5th Main, 7th Cross,
VSR Complex,
Krishna Layout,
Near RTO Office,
Bannergatta Road,
Bengaluru - 76

How to Reach :

Kindly reach out Mohan Kumar Ji, if you would like to contribute any thing. 


  1. Dear Santosh and all oracle volunteer ,

    Thanks for your kind help to SMCT , You made a big change , Please feel free to forward SMCT details to all needy people.
    Also Deepak is created a face book page , please like it
    also santosh created blog
    there website

    Only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution experience life's deepest joy: true fulfillment.
    Tony Robbins

    Life is not accumulation, it is about contribution.


    feel free to contact me on 9448811026 in case any issue


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